The thermometer has finally started to fall to what are supposed to be seasonal temperatures, although I saw three cyclists sporting shorts on the way to the start in Hatfield. Our crew of seven was suitably dressed for a CTC ride and we made haste to warm up on Woodcock Hill, on our way to Vanstone’s at Codicote where three more joined us.
If we needed any reminders that Christmas was coming, we had them in abundance at the Garden Centre. A huge inflatable Santa greeted us as we fought our way through a forest of Xmas trees to the bike stands. The café that day was a Mecca for most of the cycle clubs in Hertfordshire (Verulam, North Road, Watton Wheelers, etc.) and I pitied the ‘normal’ customer wanting a quick coffee.
Re-grouping on Woodcock Hill near Sandridge
Cycle clubs gathering at Vanstones
Ready to go
Three Blackbirds at Flamstead
Q. What's the difference between a stoat and weasel?
A. A Weasel is weasily wecognised and a stoat is stoataly different
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