14 May 2016

14 May 2016: Fun Ride to Hertford

Four of us met at Jenny’s in Hatfield for this gentle little jaunt to Hertford; it was good to welcome 3 new riders. 

A lovely thing about riding in a group is that the leader can take some different roads to what you are used to. This broadens the rider’s knowledge of the area and is always greeted with surprise.  The ride actually stayed quite chilly throughout and was a very stark contrast to last Sunday’s summery sensation. 

We headed off towards Woodside via Welham Green and Bell Bar. The route I chose took us to Woodside and up through Essendon, then we whizzed down Essendon hill. We followed the whole of the Lower Hatfield Road, through Bayfordbury and then into Hertford. 

The café was buzzing as usual, bodies, tea, breakfasts and cakes everywhere. It’s great watching this place work at the speed it does, it’s no wonder it’s never empty.

The route back was a lovely trek along the Cole Green Way, this old train line was quite deserted and there was a fair bit of wild life about to keep us entertained. Again, a route not used by the other riders and they were pleasantly surprised. We left the track at WGC and wiggled around by Ascot Lane to get back to Hatfield. All in all we did 21 miles and I had some smiling faces at the end.

Neil 14/05/2016

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