We met in Poppins Cafe, Hatfield at the civilised hour of 10.00 for an early coffee. It was nice to see some regular riders again who have been absent for a while.
Pre-ride discussion of our route to lunch in Enfield revealed that Jon had a route worked out and as he's more or less a local to that neck of the woods, he was soon appointed special guest leader for the outward trip. We set off to Potters Bar and then turned east through the pleasant lanes to Crews Hill. A powerful following wind wafted us on our way.
Hilly Fields, Enfield |
We took the well-surfaced and delightful track through Hilly Fields Park and then across Whitewebbs Golf course soon to arrive at The King & Tinker after turning in a record distance in quick time - thanks to the NW wind. The pub could not have been pleasanter - nice food freshly prepared, reasonably priced, and not too busy with a very welcoming staff. Highly recommended.
King and Tinker |
After lunch the group split into those going home in north London and those heading back to Hatfield. The Hatfield group took in more of the tracks through Whitewebbs Park, then the hilly open roads to Hadley Wood. Passing the station we continued through Potters Bar and soon were back in Hatfield. A great day's cycling.
Richard 13/01/2019
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